I'm not trying to sound like a stereo typical teenager.
One very common fear of most people, is the fear of forgetting events in your life, or people you've met. Personally, this was one of my biggest fears (I don't afraid of anything) until today. Today I went out to dinner with my immediate fambly, Lucas, Mom, and Dad. I don't get to see my brother as often as I usually would because he is off at college on his co op term, so he is working a real job. This dinner didn't necessarily make me realize that I'm getting older, but it made me realize that people around me are, and that my life is changing. For the first time ever, I saw my brother order a "drink", this surprised me, and made me realize that my brother is an adult now, and that after college I probably won't see him as much as I do now. So my Brother and my Dad start loosening up, I'm just sitting there tired as hell from a virtually sleepless night, sipping on cranberry juice. All of these really good stories start being told, then my Dad tells one story that his Dad told him. It was about how My Grandfather, and Lenny Katz (the owner of Katz's delicatessen on Houston Street) flew out to las vegas and back in the same night. It is a great story, so I will leak it to the internet for hopefully more people to enjoy, although I can't tell it as good as my Dad could. They flew out to las vegas to gamble, casinos obviously do things to get you to gamble more, so for them, their room "wasn't ready". My Grandfather watched Lenny Katz make $150,000 in one night playing Craps. Lenny wanted to stay another day in Vegas, but my Grandfather said, no, book a flight home. He knew that he would just lose all of the money he just made. Lenny insisted on staying another night and probably gave childish pleas to stay longer, and he said "I don't give a fuck book a flight, it costs 20 dollars for a flight back, and you have $150,000"(this was a very very very long time ago, and I'm just repeating what I heard). Everyone besides me continued to talk about memories, I'm reserved at family dinners. We went home, and my Mom had gotten my Brother a birthday cake. My Dad said, is this the Pena cake? Pena was my first consistent babysitter, as soon as I heard her name I remembered when I was brought to her friends house, probably her boyfriends house so they could fuck, and being treated to a beautiful swimming pool, and all of the oreos my little stomach could fit. The house was open, the ground was white, the pool had built in circular seats in the shallow end peaking out of the clear blue chlorine water, the sun was vibrant, and I don't remember what age I was, but I remember it like it was yesterday. After I got this thought in my head, I said to myself "Holy fucking shit I am going to remember this for the rest of my life"

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